
Verified Supplier | Yangmei Chemical Co., Ltd.
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Yangmei Chemical Co., Ltd.
Yangmei Chemical Co., Ltd.
Brand name
Main products ammonium bicarbonate,Urea products,Building materials
Annual sales USD 300,000,000.00
Date of establishment 1997-09-15
Number of employees 3300 Persons
Number of R&D staff Persons
Number of quality inspectors Persons
Area of factory 933066 ㎡
Brief Introduction
@@@@YangMei chemical Co., LTD. Is located in the plains@@of@@pingyuan@@county in shandong province economic development zone,@@covers@@an area of@@1401 mu. Company subordinate seven subsidiaries,@@cadres and@@workers more@@than 3300 people.@@@@Company is a large coal@@chemical@@enterprises, the@@main product design capacity is: 1 million@@tons,@@300000 tons of@@methanol, urea melamine 18000 tons, 800 million@@KWH@@electricity,@@energy-saving wall materials of 300000 cubic meters@@of@@fly@@ash.@@@@Company is one of 200 key industrial enterprises@@in@@shandong@@province, dezhou five key leading enterprise, one of the@@key@@enterprises@@pingyuan county. Successively for chemical@@fertilizer@@industry in@@shandong province enterprise innovation@@advanced unit, the@@provincial@@"AAA" enterprise financial@@system, the national@@integrated@@small nitrogen fertilizer market@@share, top ten@@honor.@@@@Follow YangMei@@group "strictly pragmatic@@and@@enterprising dedication, knowledge@@innovation strict@@loyalty"@@spirit of enterprise, "twelve@@five" period, to@@become YangMei@@YangMei plain group and an@@important force in China's@@coal chemical@@industry positioning for the@@company, in order to@@improve enterprise's@@competitiveness and@@profitability as the goal, by@@means of@@energy-saving reform, adjust@@product structure, so as to@@achieve@@greater contributions to local@@economy, for shareholders,@@employees and@@society more returns for the@@purpose. At all levels of@@government and@@shareholders support, actively@@seeking resources@@support, keep up with@@the pace of industrial upgrading@@emphatically@@from the security@@environmental protection, energy@@conservation and@@emissions reduction,@@technology upgrading, product@@research and@@development, production,@@consumption, etc. Strive to become@@shandong@@chemical fertilizer,@@chemical industry assets as soon as@@possible,@@safety, environmental@@protection and other aspects of the@@advanced@@enterprises, become the@@national important coal chemical@@industry@@base, make greater@@contribution to the developme
Brief Introduction
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